

Infant Massage

There are several benefits to Infant massage that many of our parents/caregivers may not be familiar with. ABC Interventions Inc. offers this unique service to assist our families with parent/child bonding, promoting better sleeping habits/routines, relieving stress or intestinal difficulties and decreasing high muscle tone in our preemie babies. Infant Massage Certified Staff train our parents to learn and implement various strokes and techniques with their infants. The Developmental Specialist will spend 4-6 sessions training the parent/caregiver on the value of Infant Massage and model the massage strokes. The Developmental Specialist will work with a doll, while the parent/caregiver imitates the teacher’s movements using their child. The parents will also be presented with an infant massage strokes handout so that they may reference and incorporate infant massage into their daily routine at home.

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We care for children, protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future.